Battle of the Books
Multimedia Presentation Resources
Series Lists
Teacher Resources
Welcome to the HTMS Library Media Center!!

Helen Tyson Middle School Library Mission statement
The mission of the Helen Tyson Middle School Library Media Center is to serve as an integral part of the school by:
Collaborating with teachers and other staff members to create relevant learning experiences for all students.
Ensuring that all patrons have the skills and opportunity to access, evaluate and use information.
Encouraging and promoting life-long reading and learning.
To log in to our Follett Shelf:
User Name: Your HTMS Login
Password: bookmmdd (Your password is the word book and the two-digit month and day of your birthday--no year.) For example if your birthday is January 1st, your password would be: book0101
To download a book to your own personal device, you need to download the Destiny Discover app.